Services for Employers

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Consulting in the field of human resources management

Consulting in the Field of Human Resources Management

Improvement of the Company’s Performance
In addition to services regarding the candidate selection, we offer the service of examining the human resources management, which enables you to improve the performance in your company.
This way you can:

KADAR Plus offers the service of examining the following factors, which are of great importance for successful work and development of a company to its clients

•   Examination of the Organizational (Corporate) Climate

By examining organizational climate, we can determine the quality and development of certain segments of work within a company, and we offer suggestions for their improvement. Application of the suggested corrective measures leads to the increase in work efficiency and the success of a company as a whole.

Methodology We Use: 
Organizational climate is examined with a questionnaire consisting of a large number of statements describing various aspects of situations in the organization (events, procedures, rules, relationships). Questionnaires are filled by employees, whose task is to rate on the suggested scales of assessment (1 to 5) in what measure can these statements be applied to their organization.

Categories Being Measured: 
Organization, management, professional capacity of employees, and advancement options, organization affiliation, relationship toward the quality of work, products and services, existence and knowledge of the mission, vision, and goals of the company, awards, motivation, communication and circulation of information within the company, career development, interpersonal relationships
Interpretation of the Results:
will present the results of this survey to the client, in the form of the project report (written report with numerical indicators, charts, and interpretation of the results), with a special emphasis on the potential negative tendencies in the organization, and with suggestions for corrective measures.
• Employee Satisfaction Survey
Employee satisfaction survey enables companies to determine:

Methodology We Use: 
Employee satisfaction is examined with a questionnaire consisting of a list of motivational factors. Questionnaires re filled by employees, whose task is to rate, on the suggested scales (1 to 5), in what measure are the listed motivational factors important to them, and in what measure are they satisfied with their fulfillment. 

Categories Being Measured:
Income amount, objectiveness in income distribution, job content, absence of conflict within the organization, possibility of education and professional development, advancement possibility, management, job security, frequency of overtime…A list of motivational factors of importance varies from company to company, depending on their specificities. For example, in some companies, development of informational systems is a very significant motivational factor, whereas in some other companies, that factor is marginal. Therefore, this questionnaire is finalized after an interview with the management.
Processing and Interpretation of the Results: 
KADAR Plus will present the results of this survey to the client in the form of the project report (written report with numerical indicators, charts and interpretation of the results), with a special emphasis on those motivational factors in which there is a large difference between the degree of their significance and the degree of satisfaction, and with suggestions for corrective measures.
• Management Examination
Management examination enables the company’s management to determine:
· whether, and in what measure, is their way of managing the company functional and acceptable to the employees
· what are the negative elements of their management and what are the ways to improve them
Management improvement enables a better communication between the management and the employees, and more efficient task delegation, making the whole work process more optimal.  
Methodology We Use: 
Management is examined with a questionnaire consisting of a large number of statements describing various events, actions, and relationships which involve management. Questionnaires are filled by employees, whose task is to rate, on the suggested scale (1 to 5), in what measure do the offered statements describe the management
Categories Being Measured: 
Motivating co-workers, taking orders, delegating tasks, knowledge of the job,  interpersonal relationship management, providing support, predicting problems, caring about funds, development encouragement, , organization of work, utilization of colleagues’ potential, monitoring colleagues’ work, encouraging and supporting risk taking

Processing and Interpretation of the Results:
KADAR Plus will present the results of this survey to the client in the form of the project report (written report with numerical indicators, charts and interpretation of the results), with a special emphasis on the negative elements of the organization management, and with suggestions for corrective measures.

• Establishing Employees’ Work Potential

KADAR Plus offers the service of establishing and improving work potential of the employees to its clients. Human resources are nowadays considered a key factor for a company’s prosperity, much more important than material resources. Profound knowledge of the employees’ work potential helps the management utilize available human resources optimally.

Methodology We Use:
psychological testing of the employees. Employees complete standardized psychological tests, which measure the variables of importance for successful job performance

Categories Being Measured: 
Main categories are: extroversion, stress tolerance, determination, independence, self-control, functional reasoning, emotional stability, assertiveness, practicality, openness to change, confidence

Processing and Interpretation of the Results:

KADAR Plus will present the results of this survey to the client in the form of the project report (written report with numerical indicators, charts and interpretation of the results). Acquired results will help the management find an adequate relationship with every employee. Effectiveness and efficiency of the employees will be increased, provided they are delegated tasks in accordance with their abilities and characteristics.



Company for Providing Human Resources Services KADAR Plus Ltd.
Permission for conducting employment
Permit number: 022-03-00010/2013-24
The permit was approved by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy